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Fighting Opioid Abuse, Axial Healthcare Rolls Out New IT-based Care Platform

Fighting Opioid Abuse, Axial Healthcare Rolls Out New IT-based Care Platform

Oct 24, 2017PAO-M10-17-NI-034

Behavioral monitoring application helps healthcare providers help patients treat their addiction.

Prescription opioid abuse is fast becoming one of the U.S.’s most pressing domestic health issues and regulators, government officials and pharma are all increasing their efforts to help find solutions to this growing problem. Axial Healthcare, a Nashville based company that takes an information technology (IT) based approach to curbing abuse, announced the availability of its latest behavioral treatment platform, axialINSIGHT 3.0, an app designed for caregivers to aid patients in obtaining care for pain while avoiding the over-use of opioids. In announcing the launch of its new platform, the company pointed to the gap in the country’s healthcare system around the treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD); this was a primary driver in creating the platform.

“AxialHealthcare is improving collaboration between health plans, providers and patients in order to knock down the barriers patients face when trying to access safe and effective substance abuse treatment,” Patrick J. Kennedy, former US Representative (D-RI) and Axial Healthcare Board Member. “Only 20% of patients with a substance use disorder receive treatment of any kind. I’m confident that axialHealthcare’s new OUD capabilities will have a positive impact on those in need of treatment and the overall fight to combat this epidemic.”

According to the company, the latest iteration of axialINSIGHT updates the three pain management solutions that comprise the platform including axialNETWORK, axialPRACTICE and axialPATIENT, offering new OUD treatment options targeted toward each capability’s respective end-user: health plans, practitioners and patients. The platform is bolstered by staff pharmacists who, said the company, provide ongoing consultative outreach to practitioners and patients to ensure safe and effective care for people at risk of addiction.

John J. Donahue, axialHealthcare’s Chief Executive Officer commented, “axialINSIGHT 3.0 infuses our existing clinical and technological solutions with new capabilities to create the nation’s only evidence-informed solution to identify, engage, treat and support patients with OUD, as well as the physicians who manage their care.”


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