Piramal Critical Care (PCC) Commits to Reduce its Environmental Footprint and Growing Responsibly Through Sustainable Operations

Piramal Critical Care (PCC) Commits to Reduce its Environmental Footprint and Growing Responsibly Through Sustainable Operations

Nov 17, 2022PR-M11-22-07

Piramal Pharma Ltd (PPL) Sustainability Report FY 21-22 articulates PPL’s ESG journey and integrating sustainability practices across all its businesses, including PCC

Mumbai, India: Piramal Critical Care (PCC) has integrated its sustainability framework with its strategy as well as daily business practices. As part of the endeavour, PCC’s Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) policy covers sustainable and environment-friendly practices across energy and waste management, climate change management, greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, water stewardship, supplier assessment, and integration of sustainability into our operations to ensure continual improvement in our performance and employee engagement. PCC is the complex hospital generics business under Piramal Pharma Limited (PPL). PCC’s commitment towards sustainability dovetails into the overall objective of integrating sustainable practices across all businesses under PPL, as articulated in PPL’s Sustainability Report FY 21–22.

Peter DeYoung, CEO, Global Pharma, says, “Our growth trajectory is guided by responsible business principles. Our second Sustainability Report is a manifestation of the progress of this journey and provides our stakeholders with a transparent view of our ESG performance.”

Our focus

Under the ESG strategy, one of the key focus areas for Piramal is sustainability initiatives. We have set time-bound targets to review our energy and GHG emission profile and develop a decarbonization plan to reduce our Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions. We are also striving to maximize the green cover at our operating sites. The Company is also taking initiatives towards reducing energy consumption and managing energy systems by implementing energy-efficient equipment and appliances, wherever relevant. Water management, zero incinerable hazardous waste to landfill and non-hazardous waste disposal are also priority areas of the company’s ESG plans. Our facilities utilize techniques that are sustainable and environmentally conscious.

Energy management
Energy management is one of our primary focus areas because of its direct influence on emissions and costs associated with our operations. We have implemented measures for improving the energy efficiencies of our operations through improved processes, increasing the share of renewables, technology, absorption and optimizing energy consumption from traditional sources. These interventions will help us reduce emissions and carbon footprint in the coming years.

Climate change management
Our efforts and actions are continually focused on reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions. GHG emissions are mainly generated directly through natural gas consumption used to heat the facilities, create process steam and indirectly through the purchase of electricity. A closed manufacturing system in conjunction with an automated packaging line at our Bethlehem facility is designed to eliminate/reduce open handling. These measures help to address GHG emissions and minimize negative ecological effects. We monitor and control air emissions at our facilities, ensuring they are within the permissible regulatory limits as per site environmental permits.

Water stewardship
We are exploring new technologies and aiming to develop water-conservation solutions to reduce our freshwater usage. We plan to conduct a water-use audit for all sites, allowing us to identify areas for improved efficiency, reduced usage, and possible recycling options. During FY 2021–22, total water usage by our manufacturing locations reduced by 8%.

Waste management
All our sites have adopted the 5R waste hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, and rethink) for waste management to achieve a net reduction of waste. This approach is based on the principle that responsible waste management starts by reducing consumption where practicable, so that lesser waste is generated. Where waste reduction is not appropriate or feasible, disposal methods, including direct waste to energy or those that offer methane generation credits are considered.

Employee engagement in sustainability initiatives
We believe in inculcating a sense of ownership amongst our employees. Our ‘Ideas to Excellence’ (i2e) initiative encourages employees to share their ideas on innovative ways to improve and enhance our operations.

Key environmental highlights from the Piramal Pharma Ltd (PPL) Sustainability Report FY21–22

 Increased the use of renewable energy by replacing coal with bio briquette, installing solar roof panels, LED lighting in place less efficient technology, and using hydroelectric power
 Controlled emissions using process controls and technologies, including nitrogen blanketing, efficient gas scrubbing systems, multistage condensers, bag filters, and electrostatic precipitators
 Implemented tree plantation programmes across locations; our manufacturing facilities currently have more than 82,000 trees
 Drove technology absorption for energy efficiency and greenhouse gases

Piramal’s Strategic ESG Framework

The framework has 12 focus areas, guiding PPL’s strategic and operational imperatives. To view the Company’s ESG strategy, framework and targets, please download the full report: PPL Sustainability Report FY21-22.

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Rajiv Banerjee                                                              Gagan Borana

Corporate Communications                                      Investor Relations and Sustainability

Rajiv.Banerjee@piramal.com                                     Gagan.Borana@piramal.com