Experience to Solve Your Microbiome Challenges

Experience to Solve Your Microbiome Challenges

Sep 29, 2020PAP-Q3-20-NI-010
Design Logic: Designing an Original Concept

The third company founded by pharma-entrepreneur Mark Bamforth, Arranta Bio focuses on developing live biotherapeutic drugs that target diseases linked to the microbiome. 

Focusing on the Microbiome 

That’s Nice began working on Arranta Bio’s logo in spring 2019 and completed the brand work from October of that year through January 2020. Upon founding the company, Mark Bamforth approached That’s Nice for insight and shared that Arranta Bio would be unlike any other service offering on the market. Although it’s still considered a niche area, the microbiome has gained traction in the industry and has generated enthusiasm for potentially having the same impact as the revolutionary “antibiotic era.”


Arranta Bio’s vision is to provide contract manufacturing to the many companies looking to create therapies linked to the microbiome and maintain their advantage as a pioneer in the field.

Antibiotics and probiotics (or microbiome therapies) grew together in the early 19th century, but probiotics were pushed to the wayside following the tremendous success of antibiotics. With the rise of antibiotics came the prevalent idea that all bacteria were harmful — which actually couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, bacteria are responsible for creating life and are necessary for all beings to live and thrive. The microbiome reflects the complexity of bacteria (both good and bad) that our bodies rely on for immunity self-regulation.  While much is still unknown about the exact role of the microbiome, scientists have compared it to a second genome, but one that  will be far more difficult to map out. 


In order to grow their expertise, Arranta Bio merged with Captozyme, a leader in process development and clinical contract manufacturing for the microbiome, with a decade of research in the area.  Arranta Bio’s vision is to provide contract manufacturing to the many companies (there are currently close to 200) looking to create therapies linked to the microbiome and maintain their advantage as a pioneer in the field. 

About Arranta Bio 

Arranta Bio is delivering on its vision to build the best-in-class microbiome contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) through our merger with a 10-year veteran CDMO, Captozyme, and the establishment of a commercial-ready manufacturing facility.

The company aims to support the pioneers in the development of healthcare therapies based on live biotherapeutic products (LBPs) targeting gut health and microbiome-related diseases by providing development and manufacturing services that bring effective treatments to the market and patients in need.


Captozyme and Arranta Bio

Over a 10-year period, Captozyme produced over 125 species and amassed a deep understanding of the manufacturing needs for live biopharmaceuticals, whether that be obligate, facultative, or microaerophilic organisms.


Visualizing the Microbiome PA_Q320_Arranta_DL_Sidebar5

The scale of the microbiome is tremendous — it is within and on us. It’s an integral aspect of our health, though we are just figuring out its exact role in our homeostasis. The idea behind the visual representation created for Arranta Bio was to convey that the microbiome is both interwoven and complex — for instance, there’s a likelihood that it’s linked to our DNA, which we represented with the helix pattern. Since the microbiome is pervasive and present in all functions of the body, we wanted to depict the organs and each internal system, including vascular, muscular, and skeletal.   

With the design, That’s Nice wanted to make sure that Arranta Bio would be immediately identifiable and distinguished from any competitors, which is why the rich colors were added. The deep purple pigmentation coupled with the standout magenta and cyan, as well as the hints of saturated yellow and green, help illustrate the concept while impressing it onto the viewer in a digestible way. 

The graphic element extended past the traditional logo and was also animated to add literal “life” to the digital campaign. Giving movement to the microbiota served to reinforce Arranta’s ALIVE Biotherapeutic Products (aLBP) offering, which are aerobic, anaerobic, and spore-forming organisms that have been developed over the last 10 years. 

Since the microbiome is pervasive and present in all functions of the body, we wanted to depict the organs and each internal system, including vascular, muscular, and skeletal.