Road To 50 Trip

Day 15

Written by Nigel Walker | Dec 18, 2021 4:45:21 AM

Ups, downs and salty exchanges as everything goes flat on the Tesla in Utah

After thousands of miles in recent days on The Road to 50 States, canvasing the opinions of life science leaders on the next big thing in pharma, the team needed an injection of something. And on the morning of Day 15, it arrived in the form of Emilee Kudla joining the road crew. She took over the balloon day count and the State life science facts, delivering a welcome boost of energy, though notably not jumping in on the car cleaning. After the first interview of the day with Rob Etherington of Clene NanoMedicine in Salt Lake City, the team went to the summit of Snowbird Ski Resort and froze themselves half to death before seeking more adventure on Utah's famous Salt Flats. While Nigel, Lucas, and Emilee moved on to Cedar City to interview Andy Thayer of AMPAC Analytical, the real drama was unfolding in the form of Albert and Adama getting stranded on the salt because the Tesla account had been suspended and the car had shut down.