Road To 50 Trip

Day 02

Written by Nigel Walker | Dec 18, 2021 4:45:03 AM

New day, New England, and a Biopharma Heartland

The Constitution State connected the team to New England and The Road to 50 States really got going on Day 2, with the team able to cross off Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts by sundown. After a long first day, they had gotten a good night's rest in Connecticut, but not until they had uploaded all the footage and content from Day 1 in New York. If you haven't done already, watch the videos to follow the team's exploits and you can track them this way for 50 days as they zig-zag the 50 States. The main focus question, "What's the next big thing in pharma?" was put to representatives from three companies they visited on Day 2 – Daint Pharma, Foster Delivery Science, and Tedor. The varied opinions were gathered, with interesting insight as you'd imagine as the team went to sleep on Day 2 in the biopharma hotbed of Boston.