Road To 50 Trip

Day 43

Written by Nigel Walker | Dec 18, 2021 4:45:11 AM

The Triangle yields more than three angles on the next big thing in pharma


Research Triangle is the largest research park in the United States, anchored as it is by the academic research institutions of North Carolina State, Duke University, and UNC Chapel Hill. It forms an area that has been known as The Triangle since the 1950s but this rich life sciences hub didn't just serve up three angles on the next big thing in pharma, it was more like the seven different types of triangle coming to the fore. So while the day was one dimensional in terms of states and locations, it yielded interviews with leaders from Inceptor Bio, Kineticos Life Sciences, Neosinus Heath, the Research Triangle Foundation, Altis Biosystems, and AKDYS. Although they weren't traveling around the state, they did get to have a drive around this state capital, and discovered why it was no surprise that the City of Oaks had delivered such a strong, solid day.